Friday, March 2, 2012

This is my new blog.


Sorry for the comment about being better awhile ago.  Sorry for something like this I thought about several times.

I deleted a lot of my blog posts.

I deleted my last Facebook post.


I have to pack and go somewhere when we get pack, but I have a lot of things ready already.


I guess it's doing better now.

Website Edit

I took the icon off the Comments link so it would finish loading faster.  It was slow on my computer and still is.  It's not too bad, though.

Website Edit

I forgot to put my website at the top right corner of my blog.  I also added a link to comments left.

You can leave comments on my blog now.


Sorry, Hayley and anyone else that when someone said they spoke mostly a language other than English and were of a different ethnicity or so, on the Pirates of the Caribbean 3 message board on MySpace, that in my being in lieu of a response said I was just English.  I thought I was half Anglo Irish and half Chinese-Indonesian with an English accent.  I am not sure how much of what, but I have other ethnicities.  I need to look into that again soon tonight.

Cleaning Kitchen, Then E-mailing

What I'm Up To

I am posting a Tweet.  I have to eat.  I have to get ready to go and go to sleep.  I'm just kinda hanging out and ready to lie down soon.

Post Edit


I don't know if I should have said I feel like dolphins because I'm from Florida.  I hope everyone else has something equally dazzling to share.  (Edit: I should have not said|thought this, that I am beachy.  I should have brought up the topic and then compared it.)  I do feel beachy.  :o  Doesn't everyone?  I know life isn't about that beach, so I think of the beach in a different way, not because I'm from Florida.

I can't think of what I should change my accounts to.

Instead, I'm changing the backgrounds and profile pictures.  It's to something I had before.  I couldn't find what else I was looking for.

I dunno, I'm still looking.

I guess I'll keep my accounts.

I'm gonna change the background and profile picture, though.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

It won't take too long this time, so I think I can do Twitter.

I mean it might just take awhile to do IMDb to get a certain account number.

I think I need to get new accounts today.

So, I'll Tweet later.  I'm leaving tomorrow too and will be back Saturday night I think.  I'm going some places tomorrow morning and then going to visit until Saturday.  My mom and brother are busy, so I think that's why we're going home so soon.  I was allowed to come extra yet don't feel up to it health-wise and therefore lifestyle-wise in a way.



I better do them soon.

I edited my last post.

Website Edit

I took down a picture:

What I'm Doing

I'm getting a new secondary IMDb account and waiting for a certain profile number.  I will probably shop for ballet clothes more in between.  I might also eat.  I'll do Twitter when I feel better.

The Leotard

It doesn't come in my side.

Hey, I woke up awhile ago.

I think I'm going to buy this in turquoise.

I think I'm getting a medium even though some of my measurements were bigger.

It's the psychiatric medicine.

It's for something I don't really have and I might get it taken off.

I might not do Twitter tonight.

Sorry.  I was feeling a lot of stress today.  I'm better now, though.  :/

You know, I might fall asleep.  I want to do some other things on the internet.  I feel like getting in bed, though.

I'm tired and am gonna lie down.

Website Edit

I took the border off these photos:

I added this photo:

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I'm a little wrapped up in something.

I'll do Twitter soon.

Website Edit

I edited the colon of "On the Atlantic" by Scottish under my race.  I had to move it back one.


I don't think I'm getting that hair kit.

I like my hair curly.

I have to go eat and shower.

I might have time to do some things on the computer before I leave for the afternoon.

I edited that post again.

I edited that post again.

I edited my last post.

I'm getting this hair care kit probably.

It makes your hair smooth and straight, unless you have very curly hair which just makes it not as curly and still of course smoother.  It's a 30-day kit.

It's sold at and is $12.99:

Going Places This Afternoon

Just Woke Up

Sorry, I fell asleep.

I'll have laundry to fold, as well.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


It's fun to post on.  I suggest everyone do it.  :)

Okay, now I'm going to iron.

I might be back at 12:30 A.M.  I might have to wait and do the Brazilian Butt Lift tomorrow, but I should start posting on IMDb again.

I might be back at like 12:15 A.M., I dunno.

Then, I'm showering or doing the Brazilian Butt Lift.  I guess I'll do Twitter and Facebook now.  So, I'll be back after that later.

It's time to finally iron!


Website Update

I re-added a picture of Nell Burton with her mom, Helena Bonham Carter.  It's almost to the middle:

Hey, sorry, I fell asleep.


Website Update

I added a new tip about blackheads, the first one:

Website Edit

I added my blog to my Twitter profile.


It's time to go to bed soon for me.  I just had my medicine.  I might get off it, though.  It's for schizophrenia.  I don't really have it, though.  The doctors are not genuine with me.  Neither were the police when I was yelling and screaming and throwing or hitting thigs.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Website Update

I added back a 2nd IMDb profile.  It's near the top middle:


I've already gotten much skinnier.

What I'm Doing

I'm gonna go jog and call my Grandma.  I'll check in around midnight and will do my Brazilian Butt Lift workout for about an hour, probably with some breaks.  Bye for now!  :)


I added a 2nd line of writing to my website:

A little help ...

... If you are wondering why I have the Ms. in my screen names, one reason is because I think I lost access to Christina-Barrett-1986 on IMDb or it was old and I wanted a new account.  I like the Ms., though, because I am an adult now.

Websites Edits

I changed the background to my Blogger, YouTube, and Twitter:

Website Update

I added a new website under stuff @

What I'm Doing

I'm watching my singing YouTubes and am gonna do more.


Welcome to my blog!

We're gonna have a lot of fun here.